Development tools 開發工具 (updated: 02/22/2015)
5 sets of NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (ELVIS™), NI ELVIS II+, NI Single-Board RIO Embedded Control and Acquisition Devices, NI myRIO, Xilinx Spartan-3AN starter kits, and Xilinx CoolRunner-II starter kits, and Digilent ZYBO Zynq™-7000 development boards were used to lecture about data acquisition, circuit design, and embedded system in a hands-on style. Three NI PXI systems are used for precise instrumental measurement and a portable NI USB device for carrying in-field measurement.
- Cypress PSoC: A programmable embedded system-on-chip integrating configurable analog and digital peripheral functions, memory and a microcontroller on a single chip.
- NI ELVIS: The NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) is a modular platform with an integrated suite of 12 commonly used measurement instruments in a single compact form factor.
- NI USB DAQ: portable devices for retrieving data in the field.
- NI CompactDAQ: The fundamental measurement system for space environment test.
- NI myRIO: NI myRIO is an embedded hardware device designed specifically to help students design real, complex engineering systems more quickly and affordably than ever before.
- NI CompactRIO: The basic measurement system for development and deployment in a rugged environment.
- NI Single-Board RIO: The embedded system for control and data handling in space payload.
- Xilinx Spartan-3AN FPGA Starter Kit: Create prototype designs using Spartan-3AN FPGAs.
- Xilinx CoolRunner-II CPLD Starter Kit: A complete tool box to help designers develop the latest CPLD designs.
- Digilent ZYBO Zynq™-7000 Development Board: The ZYBO (Zynq Board) is a feature-rich, ready-to-use, entry-level embedded software and digital circuit development platform built around the smallest member of the Xilinx Zynq-7000 family, the Z-7010. .
- Benchtop equipments: Agilent N3300A DC electronic loads with N3302A, E3631A power supply, 33522B waveform generator, MSOX2014A and MSO7014A mixed signal oscilloscopes, Keithley 6487 picoammeter, Keighley 6221 DC and AC current source, CHY 23T TRMS multimeter, CHY-24CS LCR meter, Lutron CM-9930R AC/DC clamp meter, Good Will DC power supply, Takeda Riken TR4120 tracking scope, etc.