- SPL Remove-Before-Flight (RBF) keychain for CubeSat 太空酬載實驗室立方衛星用 RBF 鑰匙圈:300 pieces customized for CubeSat were fabricated for the PEARL-1 launch party on 11/11-12/2023。
- PEARL-1C and PEARL-1H mission patches 珍珠號 1C 與 1H 任務臂章(直徑 ~100 mm,多色電繡處理,黑色不織布為底):300 pieces for each mission were fabricated for the PEARL-1 launch party on 11/11-12/2023。
- FORMOSAT-5 AIP mission patch (2nd generation) 福爾摩沙衛五號先進電離層探測儀任務臂章(第二代,直徑 ~100 mm,九色電繡處理,黑色不織布為底):300 of the 1,000 pieces have been released in the 56-th national science fair for primary and high schools during 07/26/2016-07/31/2016。
- FORMOSAT-5 AIP mission badge 福爾摩沙衛五號先進電離層探測儀任務徽章(直徑 38 mm,不鏽鋼基板,黃銅表面處理):300 of the 1,000 pieces have been released in the 56-th national science fair for primary and high schools during 07/26/2016-07/31/2016。
- FORMOSAT-5 AIP mission patch (1st generation) 福爾摩沙衛五號先進電離層探測儀任務臂章(第一代,直徑 ~100 mm,九色電繡處理,黑色不織布為底):150 pieces were fabricated for NARL press conference on 01/27/2015, but only 15 pieces in stock now。