- Prof. Chu, Y. H. (ISS and CSRSR, NCU): PI, coordinates the payload and ground radar co-incident observation.
- Prof. Su, S. -Y. (ISS and CSRSR, NCU): co-PI, supervises the payload performance.
- Prof. Huang, C. M. (ISS, NCU): co-PI, analyzes the radar observation.
- Dr. Su, C. L. (ISS, NCU): payload test and radar observation.
- Prof. Chao, C. K. (ISS, NCU): payload conceptual design, test, and data analysis.
- Mr. Hu, Nick, (ISS, NCU): payload test and calibration.
- Mr. Lin, Zai-Wun, (ISS, NCU): payload test and operation.
- Mr. Chu, Yen-Da, (ISS, NCU): payload test and operation.
- Mr. Shen, Yu-Te, (ISS, NCU): payload test and operation.
- Prof. Minami, Shigeyuki (Dept. of EE, OCU): payload design and fabrication.
- Mr. Takahashi, (Dept. of EE, OCU): payload test and calibration.

The plasma probe payload onboard the Sounding Rocket VII is sponsored by National Space Organization, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan.
The plasma probe is fabricated under Professor Minami, Shigeyuki, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Osaka City University, Japan.
We also thank people in Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST), Armaments Bureau, M.N.D. to assist us all the tests.