Sounding Rocket X/Aspectmeter
(Launched at 11:10, 10/07/2014)
Taiwan’s sounding rocket programs are funded by National Space Organization since 1997. The rockets are fabricated by Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) to provide vehicle services for domestic scientific missions. Attitude information of the rockets is first available from an ASpectMeter (ASM) fabricated National Central University, which is onboard SR-VIII. The ASM consisted of a combined 3-axis (single axial + dual-axial measurement) analog MEMS-based gyroscope, magnetometer, and accelerator with a digital processing system. However, for rocket stability it is possible to raise the spin rate of future rocket to 1,620°/s instead of 1,500 °/s now. After nose cone is separated, a Yo-Yo de-spin is required by scientific mission to reduce the spin rate down to 360°/s. Meanwhile, the analog sensors can be susceptible to other electronic devices to reduce their sensitivities. Alignment between the single axial sensor and the dual axial sensor may cause additional problems in assembly. If the gyroscope is used to measure cone motion of the rocket, high resolution in a small angle motion shall be provided in cross direction. Based on the previous weakness and current requirements, a new ASM design is proposed to meet the challenge of SR-X mission.
國家太空中心委託中山科學研究院製作的探空火箭,可安置全球定位系統接收機獲取軌跡資訊與加速計得到火箭轉速。而火箭的姿態量測,始自於探空八號上安裝國立中央大學所開發的姿態量測模組。其姿態量測模組,利用單軸與雙軸組合的類比式微機電系統陀螺儀、磁力計、與加速計,並使用類比數位轉換與數位資料處理,可即時將量測資訊傳送給探空火箭輸出入處理單元。然而為求火箭姿態穩定,未來探空火箭有可能提高轉速至每秒 4.5 轉(1,620 °/s),原先設計(1,500 °/s)將不敷使用。並且為能配合探空十號科學團隊所需,當鼻錐罩開啟後,火箭必須進行減滾的動作,讓轉速降為每秒 1 轉。先前採用類比感測器,有一定程度的雜訊干擾,這些雜訊將影響姿態判讀的靈敏度。IC零件組裝上,軸向間的正交程度不容易控制,會造成量測的誤差。並且若要以陀螺儀協助觀測火箭的角錐運動,則需要在火箭的橫向方向的小角度量測上提升解析度。配合以上種種精進的需求,本計畫將改良探空八號姿態量測模組的部分缺點並能符合新的需求,設計與製作可符合探空十號所需的姿態量測儀。