2013 (updated: 12/21/2013)
- 12/21/2013: 高中生參與探空九號火箭科學研究結訓典禮與記者會,敬邀參與的八所高中師長代表與獲頒結訓證書同學參加,共有三十五位同學獲頒研習證書。
- 11/30/2013: 參加 2013 年探空火箭科技論壇,講題為 Development of Advanced Ionospheric Probe for Space Exploration.
- 10/30/2013: 參加臺北市立成功高中⼤所舉辦之「大學⽣生涯規劃座談會」,講題為「中央⼤大學地球科學學群介紹-中⼤大氣科學系簡介」。
- 10/30/2013: 徐妤婷、彭偉杰、吳柏宏獲得 2013 NI 應用徵文競賽自動化測試組第二名。
- 10/16/2013: 徐妤婷、彭偉杰、吳柏宏入圍 2013 NI 應用徵文競賽自動化測試組總決賽, 題目為「熱真空測試系統」。
- 10/08/2013: Delta PAR meeting and AIP/FM has been delivered to NSPO.
- 09/23/2013-09/27/2013: Radiated EMC test on AIP/FM at NSPO.
- 09/16/2013-09/18/2013: Conducted EMC test on AIP/FM at NSPO.
- 09/12/2013: PAR meeting for FS-5/AIP.
- 09/07/2013: 高中生參與探空九號火箭任務。共有42名學生,來自桃園市八所高中,大園高中、內壢高中、中壢高中、平鎮高中、育達高中、復旦高中、壽山高中、永豐高中。
- 07/01/2013-07/12/2013: 實驗室新生訓練(與國立中央大學102年度高中生暑期參與實驗室研究活動共同舉辦)。所有課程在 7/11 下午順利圓滿結束,並共同發表心得報告。
- 06/11/2013: 參加台北市立天文科學教育館 『2013威震太陽神』特展揭幕儀式。本實驗室協助展出極光裝置,展出時間為今年 6 月 12 日至 12 月 22 日。
- 06/05/2013: Launching the Sounding Rocket VIII at 15:00 CST. A built-in module, ASpectMeter (ASM), fabricated by SPL works as expected to monitor attitude of the rocket and retrieve data successfully from telemetry.
- 05/15/2013: Presenting AIP for FS-5 satellite and ASM for Sounding Rocket in International Workshop for Scientific Payloads of Satellites and Sounding Rockets during Taiwan Geoscience Assembly held at Aspire Park, Longtan, Taoyuan.
- 04/21/2013: 參加探空八號飛試活動名單,張昕(中壢高中)、呂紹頊(中壢高中)、鄭育浚(中壢高中)、彭芷琳(大園高中)、吳仲凱(大園高中)、宋若濃(復旦中學)、錢定遠(復旦中學)、詹鴻輝(育達高中)、劉世舜(育達高中),共九名高中生。
- 04/08/2013-04/12/2013: Participating Yuri’s night at NCU to present an aurora device and a poster about AIP.
- 03/18/2013: Clean booth construction is completed. Initial cleanliness for the clean booth is Class 10,000 and the clean bench Class 1,000. A dehumidifier with water pipe is installed inside the clean booth. A dry box is also installed inside the clean booth and has a capability of reducing the relative humidity less than 10%. Particle measurement has been performed by SGS Taiwan, Inc. in the clean booth. Both the clean bench and booth are classified as Class 1,000.
- 02/02/2013: 高中生參與探空八號火箭任務第二階段訓練結束。
- 01/29/2013: CDR meeting for FORMOSAT-5 satellite.
- 01/08/2013: DRR meeting for FS-5/AIP was held at NSPO.