The 16th year: Establish facilities for CubeSat development and operation 建設立方衛星研製/執行環境。
- Use HEPTA-Sat textbooks for Hands-on Satellite System, CubeSat camps, and high school courses: Under UNISEC's authorization, HEPTA-Sat textbooks were printed in Taiwan and were used for lecture in a NCU elective course, a elective course for CLHS students, and a CubeSat camp.
使用 HEPTA-Sat 立方衛星訓練教材作為大學部課程「衛星系統實作」(中大太空系大一選修)、高中課程「工程設計專題」(中大壢中高三科技領域選修)、高中生營隊「立方衛星研習營」的教科書。 - Kick-off PEARL mission, a 6U CubeSat for communication experiment: Procure a 6U XL CubeSat and a redundant UHF ground station.
啟動珍珠號 6U 立方衛星與採購 UHF 地面站備援設備。 - Restore an EM test chamber: A R&S vector signal generator and a signal & spectrum Analyzer were placed into the facility. A network analyzer will be procured later.